Wednesday, March 25, 2015

From struggles to blessings/District Leader to Zone Leader, Elder Ballard's visit, and the V. Baptism

This week is going to be a long one!  Sorry ;) But you will be pleasantly fed spiritually I PROMISE!!

I am posting two letters at once.  I would normally do one at a time but So much has happened over the last couple weeks that I figured I better post them both at the same time!

Really good things are happening for Al :)  As you're going to read in his second letter he was transferred.  I found out before he sent his letter that he was being transferred because Brother Garcia sent me a message on facebook telling me they had found out the day before and he relayed a conversation that he had with Alex the night before.  I don't think he'll mind if I share what he said.  It touched my heart to hear the wonderful things he said about my son and to hear the things my son said to him also...  "We learned yesterday that Alex will be transferring to Madera.  I sat down to talk to him yesterday after a baptism.  I told him what a great job he did in our area.  That how I appreciated his diligence and perseverance to learn a new language and to try his best.  I told him he was a miracle.  His eyes got teary eyed and he told me how much he appreciated my comments.  I expressed your love for him.  How I knew how much you cared about him.  He told me to tell you that he loves you and that even though he is not that expressive, he truly loves you.  It was a pleasure to have your son here in our area- if only for a short time."  Tulare is so blessed to have such a wonderful and loving leader in their area!  Alex has learned so many life lessons from his example.  It makes me sad YET AGAIN that he is leaving an area that he loves so much but I'm very grateful he was blessed to learn from such inspired people!!  Soooooo!  He got transferred but what I didn't know was that he was made a Zone Leader!!  He is also with Elder Nye (his companion from the MTC who is also from Heber).  He was very excited to serve with him again!  I have NO idea what Zone Leader will entail but I know he'll do an amazing job!

He also sent a few pictures and I found a picture of him on the California Fresno Mission Blog giving a training.  It was funny because at first glance I thought it was him, but then as I looked again I wasn't sure.  I finally decided it was him (but still kind of unsure).  Later that day I showed it to my mom who had the exact same reaction I did.  She said "YES that's him!" and then a couple seconds later said "Wait!  Show me the picture again!  Is that him?? That HAS to be him! I THINK it's him!?!??"  I laughed because I felt the same way.  I discovered if I zoomed in and didn't look at how broad his shoulders looked or how thick is neck is getting I could see my teenage sons face again!  HOLY COW HE'S GROWING UP!  Most of the people I showed it to thought it was his dad at first.  So that also confirmed to me that it had to be him!  Alex says he's fat but really he's just turning into a man and filling out!  His shoulders and body are broader than when he left.  He looks like a strong young man!  CRAZY!  Charlie (from Lindsay) also sent me a picture the night of the baptism.  He just looks so grown up to me!

I won't say much more.  His letters speak for themselves.  Enjoy!

The picture for the Mission Blog.  Alex is in the top right corner.  What do you think???

Alex with the Garcia Family

Picture Charlie sent

From struggles to blessings

Hola Familia! I would say that the title describes this week to T! So even though it's only been 5 days since I've written you all there's been a lot of ups and downs. But thankfully there was more ups than downs :). We've just had business like no other and have been struggling to get into people's homes. But thankfully God is good, and gives us success in his own due time.

We did not baptize the V. Family this week. It was probably best that way too, because we thought they were prepared but they were not. Their baptism will be this upcoming Sunday on the 22nd instead. The reason they weren't prepared is because they just want to be absolutely sure that they should be baptized now. Actually last night Elder Corona and I went to teach them and felt prompted to watch the restoration video with them. As we watched the video and reached the part where Joseph read James 1:5 I felt the spirit giving me confirmation that they were going to receive an answer tonight to their prayers, and I knew that they would. I could just tell as I looked at them after watching it. After the video the mom commented that she basically received an answer that it was true and that she should be baptized, but that she was going to ask Heavenly Father in prayer personally. There's no doubt in my mind they'll be baptized, whether it be this week or the week after who knows but they'll be baptized... Tony is doing great still! He came to church which was awesome to see! We were supposed to give him some pants and a white shirt and we totally forgot!! I felt soooo bad! So he was waiting at his house 10-15 mins into church and finally texted and asked "Where's my ropas?? And where are you guys??" (Ropas means clothes in spanish). So we left the church, got the clothes and ran to his house. He's doing good as far as the word of wisdom. He is a little hard on himself but he's up for anything still.

Yesterday at church we were blessed with the opportunity to give a blessing to a non-member named O. She is actually A. C.'s (a LA)  cousin. We started teaching A. C. a few weeks ago and since then she's been back in church and brought O. with her. Unfortunately A. C. didn't come to church yesterday, but O. did! That shows great faith on her part. She asked us to give her a blessing after sacrament and we gladly offered to do so. She wanted a blessing of comfort and health as she was going through some issues having to go back to the hospital. I'm not sure exactly why, but she needed it. So we gave her the blessing and she started to cry. I knew then that she knew she would be alright and that God was with her and told her that where she needed to be was in the church. She could feel the spirit there strongly. As of right now, we are planning on going to her home with A. C. one of these days to teach her the gospel. She is one super solid potential investigator! She practically already is.

What's funny is that yesterday we actually had another potential from A. C. We went to her house to drop off some food that was given to us from a YSA party. She wasn't home but she was at another friends home so we called and asked if we could come to her friends home and drop it off there. After we dropped it off and everything there was a friend that didn't live there that asked what the difference is between our church and all the other churches. A. C. steps in and briefly explains the difference, and it was almost like she was bearing her testimony to her friend. She talked about the spirit, the BOM, the authority, etc. and her friends mind just became lightened and she was sincere from her questions. She was an honest seeker :). She said that she didn't feel worthy to come and look into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but we insisted. We plan on seeing her sometime this week now hopefully. But it was like God led us there :)

So I'm sure you're all familiar from my past letters with the U. Family, but they are going through some rough times, even to an extent of possible divorce :( so if you could keep them in your prayers that would be great! The father has just fallen away a little bit, but it has turned into something bigger because of it. Satan is attacking the family and we really need them to stay strong. They're one of the best members in the spanish group, especially the mother. They've been great in assisting in member/missionary work, and it would be hard to see them go.

I love and miss baseball! Sounds like the boys got Juab though? That's awesome! Same with Marleigh for volleyball and softball. They're both stud muffins and I wish them the best. I'll be cheering for them here in Cali... And Justin too! I really feel like the Lord has blessed my family just from being out on the mission. I'm keeping him in my prayers as well.

I'm kind of sad to hear that you're selling the house ha ha danget you just got a lawn!! Well let me know anything else that happens with that. It'll be weird coming home to a different house :)

Congrats to KY! He'll be awesome roaming through the streets of Detroit! He'll do great, let him know if I can help with questions that he'll have in any way. I'd love to help

I love ya Family. My time is up!

Elder Horrocks

P.S. did you already send the iron rod? Let me know.

Talent show picture

Elder Corona, I and Mini Missionary

Temple after mission conference

V. Baptism

District Leader to Zone Leader, Elder Ballard's visit, and the V. Baptism

Well the heading says it all! It's already the end of the transfers and to be honest I'm kind of nervous to be a Zone Leader but excited at the same time. AND you'll never get this.... My companion this next transfer is ELDER NYE!!!!! My MTC companion!!! We're both Zone leaders together who ever would have thought that?? That makes me pretty excited. Elder Corona will now be the District Leader here in Tulare and I will go up to a place called Medera which is actually Elder Corona's area before Tulare. It's in the Fresno West boundaries so I'm not to far from the mission home itself. I'm really excited to see what the Lord has in store these next few transfers.  Funny story actually... Elder Corona had to go up to Fresno last Monday for choir practice before the mission conference. I saw Elder Nye there and we talked and caught up on some things and we came across the subject of being companions again. Like "what if this" and "what if that" kind of stuff. Then by the time transfer calls comes around and what does it say? "Elder Horrocks will be going to Fresno West in Medera with Elder Nye." WHOAAAAA!! That's probably one of the craziest things that happened on my mission. I guess the Lord was listening on our conversation :)

Elder Ballard's visit was awesome! He truly is an inspired Apostle from God.  Elder Hallstrom from the Seventy was there as well and he commented that having an apostle visit you could be one of the best and most important days of our lives. I believed him! He really said some things that the mission really needed. He talked a lot about talking to more people in general because our teaching pools have been really low in the mission. He basically told us this, "If you wanna teach more, you gotta talk more!". He said that talking to at least 10 people a day will get us where we need to be. But sometimes just simply talking to random people isn't always easy, but that's why we have Preach my Gospel. Talking to people is something I've been able to do in the past, but it's a hard skill to keep. I've struggled to build the courage to go talk to more people but if the counsel is coming from an apostle of the Lord then you might as well go and do it right? I had the opportunity to shake Elder Ballard's hand, didn't get any pictures but I got to meet him. He's pretty short which kind of surprised me! I thought he was taller and bigger, but he is definitely big in spirit!

Our work this week in the field was pretty good! Busy busy busy which is good. Yesterday the Father of the V. family was baptized! The son wasn't because he was sick so his is postponed till next week, and the Mother is waiting to have a greater assurance of baptism. My mindset is still the same for them. I don't doubt they won't be baptized, they will! I'm a little sad to not witness the other two being baptized but I know their lives will be blessed forever for doing it. The baptism was.... well... it could have been better :) I can't explain all of it through email, but some of the things that happened throughout the baptism was pretty hilarious. When I come home you'll have to remind me to tell  you the story about the V. baptism. Cause wow it's funny!... Our other investigators are doing well too. We set a date for baptism with A. C.'s cousin and she's been coming to church for the last couple weeks now, so she's doing great! T. didn't come to church so we have to move his baptism date to next week, but he's doing pretty good, we haven't talked to him in a while. Tulare in general is moving up in things! I'm sad to not see it become a branch soon, but Elder Corona will see it happening. I think he'll be staying until summer comes around

I'm glad to hear that everything at home is going good! Sports sounds pretty good as usual. Sorry to hear about the loss to Carbon, but they're gonna do good this season if they'll keep at it. Mar is going pretty good from what I hear as well. I'm glad they're both doing good!

That's cool you saw me on the blog giving a training, and I guess I'm happy you say I'm becoming a man now. Was I not a man before?? Haha what you all trying to say?? I know I'm getting bigger... I'm about 175 right now and getting fatter. If the members keep feeding me the way they are I'll probably be 200 by the end of my mission.

My time is cut short but I love you all! Know that I keep you in my prayers and are always in my thoughts. I love and miss you much!

Elder Horrocks

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hello Hello Hello

He's a great missionary.  I can't even express how proud I am to see the growth and maturity that he has had while on his mission.  A couple things are always the same... I can ALWAYS feel the love he has for the people on his mission and I can ALWAYS feel the love that he has for his mission itself!!  I hope you can feel that also :)


Hello Hello Hello

I guess no one got the message we had a temple trip this week and so today (Wednesday) was our temple trip and also our Preparation Day. Sorry if you were worrying about me not writing a letter this week. But this week was pretty awesome actually! Like before it was a little hectic and busy, but the Lord blessed us. 

I had the opportunity to give a training for Zone conference on Tuesday. It was actually my first Zone Training and I was little nervous to be honest. Missionaries from Porterville, Lindsey, Visalia, Tulare, and Hanford all came and so there were a lot of us. I gave a training on "Dining while teaching LA's and RC's and part member families". It went pretty well! 

Elder Corona and I got to have a mini missionary come out with us this week! It was pretty sweet! What the stake does is calls a certain number of youth to go out on a 3 day mission with full time missionaries. They get set apart and go out with the missionaries and everything. Our missionary's name was Aaron Hatch, he's a great kid and a little bit shy. He did awesome for the three days he was with us. He only spoke English which kind of made us feel bad because we spoke mostly Spanish, but he got the spirit of it. If there's time I'll send some pictures of our little missionary haha.

Those that we're teaching are doing good too! The V. family is looking forward to being baptized this Sunday on the 15th. They're so prepared but I can tell they're a little nervous and scared. Right now they are living with one of our members and she helps them answer questions and provides help and means till they can find their own place. They are truly being blessed. So pray that they will receive answers to their prayers, and that they'll have the courage to be baptized... T. R. is doing good too. He has a date for baptism on the 29th of March. He is a little bit scared as well. He has a few issues with the word of wisdom but he trusts us when we tell him that the things we teach him will help him quit completely, if he'll let it... There are a lot of potentials that we've noticed this week and they've all been through members. Hastening of the work is really all about the members! One potential is actually from A. C., the one LA we helped come back to church. She's came to church twice now and has brought a non-member friend, which is actually her cousin. We have an appointment to see her and her cousin tomorrow. 

So I'm happy to hear that baseball went good this week! Sounds like they have good things going already. I'm pretty excited to hear about spring sports. I hope that this summer we can get permission to watch the Fresno Grizzlies AAA team play (hopefuly). I miss baseball. I'm happy to hear everyone else is doing good! I love hearing good things about family.

I'm super excited for Justin! That's so awesome! I've looked back and realized that a lot of my family members have been blessed since I've been back out. I'm so excited, and makes me super happy!... Congrats to Nic! He gets the immersion of Spanish right off the bat. He'll be fluent in 6 months

Well in the past I've written longer letters and have had more time, but I'm going to have to keep this one short. I have to do a few other D.L. responsibilities (like write president about exchanges that I had with Elder Lundberg yesterday). Being a missionary and D.L. can be crazy sometimes!

I hope you all know I love you and miss you. Hasta luego en cinco dias!

Love Elder Horrocks

P.s. Elder Russell M Ballard is coming to speak to us on the 21st of this month. Should be pretty awesome!

P.s.s. I'll try everything I can to get a recording of the musical from Brother Garcia maybe? It's just were real busy and will if we can.

Monday, March 9, 2015

February is gone and another week in the vineyard.

So another week of good things!  They had an all musical fireside.  I LOVE THAT!  Most people who know me know how important music is in my life :) I am not professionally trained in anything, although my mother did make me suffer through years of piano I never actually did well in them, and I did take 10 years or so of voice but I'm still far from amazing ;)  BUT!!  Music has ALWAYS played such an important part in my life!  I love music!!  I feel like it speaks the words in my heart better than I can at times :)  If you are a fan "The Forgotten Christmas Carols" then you've heard the story of George Frideric Handel's (I have NO idea if this is actually a true story about him.  I only know it from The Forgotten Christmas Carols, but I love it because it reminds me of myself) where he falls asleep and has a dream that he is in heaven and trying to sing with the choir of angles but he can't sing because he isn't good enough.  Then the heavens are filled with beautiful music and when Handel asks he is told it is the music in his heart and that one day he will write music that will touch the hearts and fill the ears of people everywhere.  Anyway... I feel that one day the music in my heart will be heard ;) It might be in heaven but it will get heard somewhere!  We used to do some of the most amazing musical sacraments every Christmas and Easter in Neola and I miss them terribly!!  I was super excited to hear they did an all musical fireside :)  Music is so powerful!  I was also soooooo happy to hear that Alex got to play the guitar again!!  I miss hearing him play SO MUCH!!!  He has a great voice also.  Maybe next time he'll get to sing too :):)

I also had an amazing experience this week, that oddly enough, had to do with music also!  I don't ever doubt that our Heavenly Father is mindful but I had a direct experience of my own and it still brings tears to my eyes.  My Heavenly Father KNOWS me...
Part 1:  A couple of weeks ago my Relief Society president asked if I would sing for a visiting teaching thing in Relief Society.  She sent me a text that asked if I sang and if I would be willing to sing for a visiting teaching program they were going to have in Relief Society.  She wanted a musical number for it. I text her back and said I did sing and I would be glad to and to let me know what I needed to do and I'd get it done.  She said to sing anything about service.  So I called Larain and got working on it...
Part 2:  I sang the song in RS.  When I was done she got up to thank me and give her talk.  She said that she needed to tell everyone about the experience she had and why she had asked me to sing.  I was kind of wondering why myself because I haven't sang at all since I've moved to Roosevelt, except the National Anthem a couple weeks ago at a basketball game.  So she said that she had asked her daughter if she would sing but she said that she didn't want to and she didn't know what else to do.  So she started praying about it.  She said that she was impressed with the thought to "ask Doni Arnold" and so she started calling our house but the line was ALWAYS busy (there is something wrong with the land line so it is always busy).  She tried 5 or 6 times and then kind of forgot about it until she was headed out to SLC for a doctors appointment.  She said to her husband that she needed to get a hold of me to see if I would sing in RS and he asked her "Does Doni even sing???" to which she said "Hmmmmm! I don't know! But I know that I need to ask her."  He then said to her "Are you STUPID!?!??  You are going to ask someone to sing and you don't even know if they sing???"  And again she said "I don't know!  But I know that I need to ask her!"  So she found my number and asked and I said yes I sing and that I'd love to help.  She told everyone that she wanted them to know that Heavenly Father is mindful of us and that he KNEW I sang and that she needed to ask me to sing...
Part 3:  I have really been thinking lately about how I haven't sang since my dads funeral and that I feel like I am losing my talent.  I don't have anywhere that I am able to use it besides church and I've just felt so sad that I am losing my talent because I love singing!!!  So when I was asked to sing the National Anthem I was glad to and I worked really hard on it! It felt good to be working on something musical again!!  I was happy that I got to use my talent.  Then I got the text from the RS president a couple days later and I thought to myself "how crazy that I am all of the sudden getting asked to sing when it has been on my mind so much lately"  I have had this prayer or concern or whatever you want to call it in my heart.  I hadn't ever voiced it out loud.  I just thought about it.  A lot.  So when she told that story I sat and cried because I had personal confirmation that the Lord is mindful of me.  He KNEW and he worked through someone else to show me he knows.  It was an awesome awesome awesome experience!!!  I love the miracles that happen all around us, that show us Heavenly father knows our hearts and minds ;)  He's listening to you everyday.  Keep looking for him around you.

I love the blessings that come to our family and thought provoking experiences that we have, all because of Alex serving and loving others!!  He's amazing :)

Enjoy <3

February is gone and another week in the vineyard.

Hey family! Glad to hear that things are going good at home. This week in the mission was a little bit different and a little bit hectic too. It was really something else but it was definitely a lot of fun!

We weren't able to teach a whole lot this week because of certain things, but we did see success with those that we still are keeping contact with. The V. family that we found last week in church is doing amazing! They're really really progressing. They still have struggles with the effect from moving place to place and finding ways of making means, but their desire to learn the gospel and make friends in the church is awesome! Our members are actually taking good care of them when they need something, I bet that's a blessing to them. We actually had the opportunity to take them to a family baptism back in Lindsey (my old area). The baptism was from one of the English members here in Tulare. It was definitely what you would call a preach my gospel baptism! The spirit was strong there, and the V. family said the same thing even though they weren't able to fully understand all of it. Something I learned on my mission is that when a baptism is a preach my gospel baptism, those that are non members or those who are investigating in the church are 80% more likely to be baptized. So it was perfect for them!! I was really happy that we went. Another thing they're doing now is taking notes in church, our investigators taking notes in church! YES!! I'm telling you, this family is golden! How often do you see normal members taking notes in church? B-b-bb-bbb-bbb-b-be baptized!

T. our other investigator has a baptism date for the 29th. He's doing pretty good. We saw him the other day and said he was leaving to Hanford CA for a little while because there was no work for a week. By the way it rained a ton this week! Which was much needed. When field workers have rain their bosses give them a certain amount of days before going back. But anyhow, T. is doing good and still has a lot of good questions. He just needs to come to church now... Y. and K. were doing good for a while, but we had to drop them. We went over to visit them this week and Y. told us that she wasn't going to come to church anymore because she's had bad experiences with the church this past month or so. It's just sad because she was doing so good for a long time. Like nearly  6-7 months I believe, but there's not a whole lot we can do about that so we're leaving her and K. in God's hands... C. and her family are the ones we found through a recent convert and they almost got antied. It was a little scary! The story goes that couple days after we taught them the restoration, something about mormons and Joseph Smith turns on from the discovery channel (and this is also after A.; C.'s daughter, prayed to know if the book of mormon was true and if Joseph Smith was a true prophet) and then BOOM discovery channel. When Elder Corona and I heard that, we warned them of the media and advised them to look elsewhere for sources LIKE The Book of Mormon maybe? The actual words and evidence itself? So we told them to be careful about those things. They're doing good and are close to progressing.

This week was different because there was a musical fireside that our Tulare sisters held here in Tulare yesterday. Elder Corona and I performed but I didn't get any pictures because it was in the chapel. I did get pictures afterwards though. We got some good compliments. I played the guitar while Elder Corona sang. We were going to sing together but thanks to this rainy weather I've been sick for a few days now. We played be still my soul and I know my redeemer lives together. I got the music from a member and improvised it so that we could kind of make it our own. It was fun! But wow we were stressed about it for a while, glad that it's over.

My time is running out short but I'm super glad to have got emails from other family members. Tell Grandma, Carmen, and Buck I appreciate their letters and that I love them! It's so good to hear from them.

Tell West and Mar to keep it up in Sports. Sounds like they're doing great! I'm excited to hear from baseball.  And tell Weston I got his letter and that it's far better off getting skinnier than getting fatter like I am haha. I weigh right now about 175-180 if you were wondering.

Well I'm super happy to be here where I know the Lord wants me to be. I'm so glad to hear that everything at home is doing well. Unfortunately I have limited time but I hope and pray all goes well for you this week. I'm always praying for you.

Love ya lots

P.s. thank you for your singing story :) the Lord truly is mindful

P.s.s Tomorrow I'm giving a training in Zone conference, so hopefully that goes well!

P.s.s.s March 11th is our temple trip and it's a Wednesday  so I'm supposing that's our preparation day too. March 21st we have a mission conference and an apostle is going to come and speak to us. Should be pretty awesome!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Dang what a crazy week!!

Once again I feel uplifted by Alex's contagious spirit!  His letters all speak for themselves.  I feel blessed that he gives me more love to carry around in my heart each week!

I LOVE HIS PICTURES!!  I think he and Elder Corona are two peas in a pod!!  They HAVE to be!!  How awesome that they enjoy their time together all while spreading the Lord's good word :)  I LOVE IT!

Working in the fields

Elote!! Nacho libre corn

You shall not pass

You shall not pass

This is what happens when you lean back in your chair during studies

Talent show this week. A few individuals showing their talents

Dang what a crazy week!!

I can only say that my heart was touched to see some great miracles happen this past week. I can only say the Lord has given me so much and at times I feel inadequate for the things he blesses us with. Many different things have happened and I hope I can have them make sense.

For a transfer and a half now I've been constantly praying that God would help us find a prepared people and families through the members. And I'm glad to say that we have found 4 new investigators that are going to be baptized in March. All four of these people were found through our members as well. One of them is named T., and what's interesting about T. is that he's been around with us this whole time! He would participate and listen in on our new member lessons with a recent convert. Well one day he comes to a family home evening activity at the church. Our spanish group leader was giving a lesson on one of the missionary lessons. To my surprise T. actually participated in the lesson! Later on during that night we had a dinner to end with for FHE, and as we ate we taught T. the restoration of the Gospel. He was confused as to why he should be baptized again and when he finally understood the restoration of the authority he accepted to be baptized on March 29.  Since then we've visited him a few times and he's progressing well! He's reading and praying and doing everything he should, so he's doing awesome!... You'll never believe how we found the other 3 people. So we just happened to be going to church like normal yesterday, and I finish ward council with Elder Wain and out of no where Elder Lundberg and Elder Corona come up to me and say "We just set up 3 baptism dates for March 14th!!" Now I'm wondering how in the world did they set dates when I was gone for maybe 20-30 minutes?? So I got introduced to this family of three, 2 parents and 1 child, and they are golden!! They were so prepared from the get go!! They had originally moved from Mexico to Phoenix and then from Phoenix to Tulare. The father is a doctor and is still studying and right now they're established on hardly anything here in Tulare. They are basically starting from scratch, I'm not sure where they live but our members know. Soooooo they were barely being taught by missionaries in Mexico, and when they got to Phoenix they couldn't get in contact with a church, but when they got here they were somehow able to get a hold of the Church phone number. They called the phone in Bishops office yesterday morning and said "Hey were looking for a church, could you maybe come pick us up and take us there?" So our branch leader goes, picks them up, introduces them to Elder Corona and Elder Lundberg, gave them a church tour, and invited them to be baptized... Sweet!! Over all I was so happy because I knew the Lord was finding a way to accomplish our goals, and he did!.... Last miracle: So our sisters in Tulare asked us to come and give a blessing to one of their members friends at the hospital last Tuesday. Her name was L. M. She was suffering from dehydration and wasn't in very good shape when we got there, she was cringing from pain on her bed. When Elder Corona and I gave her the blessing she became calm for a short moment. I knew then and there that she would come out okay. The sisters texted us later that night and said that her tests came out normal again, and that she was ready to go home and leave the hospital

So that's really the update on the mish thus far. I'm really happy to hear that West and Mar are doing good. Though the ball team lost their game I'm glad they got through it. Some seasons are better than others, but sports can truly become life lessons. I'm glad they were able to "endure to the end" ;). I'm excited to see summer sports coming around. It's already baseball season? DAng!...  I look at J.T and Charleigh and just about everybody and think what the heck??? They're huge! They're getting so big! I can only imagine what they'll look like in a year or so.

Well I'll have to cut this short but I love and miss you much! I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Be on the look out for opportunities to share the gospel, the Lord's work is truly hastening

I love ya
Elder Horrocks

P.S. There were a few others that wrote me emails that I didn't have enough time to write back. I am happy to hear from you, and I love ya