Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Baptisms Happened!!! They really happened!!! :)

This letter is from Sept. 29th. (I'm going to catch up letters and do 2 at once)  He also sent pictures!!  YAY!!  He's an amazing missionary :)  He really does love what he's doing!  So inspiring to watch his progress :):)

After zone meeting we were chilling for a bit.
Me, Elder Moosman, and Elder Checkets

My Comp

Our entire zone after zone meeting. I can't name everyone but Zone leaders are Elder Cook (far left on the end, standing up) and Elder Bozwell (Far right on the edge standing up) and President Clark in the middle 

Elder Arroyo and I after it rained again this week

Elder Hall, Axel (left) Abel (right) and Myself before their baptism

Elder Hall, Freddy (He baptized Axel, He's their uncle)
Abel, President Hernandez (baptized Abel, Grandpa of both Axel and Abel)
and myself

I got the letter!

This week has been the craziest, busiest, most stressful week I've had thus far. We've been running back and forth from town to town, meeting to meeting. But it was a good week. This week was full of events and I couldn't be more grateful for the miracles we see every day. The highlight of the week (you're all probably wondering if Axel and Abel got baptized) well guess what... THEY DID!! It's about time! I'll send some pictures of it later today hopefully. But wow it was awesome! Everything went well and smooth and it was just a good way to end a week. They got baptized yesterday. Their dad and their uncle Baptized them.
    This Thursday we had a zone meeting with our stake presidency and President Clark came and joined us too. We talked about counseling and the real importance of it. Some of us get carried away with our work and to do lists that when we go to ward council on Sunday mornings, we forget to look for referrals and activities and assignments from members so that we can use their help to bring our investigators in to the gospel. So now we focus and being a member of every council instead of just being there to say who we have for investigators. After our zone meeting we had personal interviews with President Clark, just to see how our area is doing and how we are doing individually. I love President Clark so much, and he does so much for this mission! He's truly inspired and works so hard to help and bless us.
    Our investigators are doing really good! We found Giovanni this week and taught him about the plan of salvation. We followed up to see if he read the Plan of Salvation pamphlet we gave him and he said he forgot :( but we used it to our advantage. We used it to teach our lesson :) once he saw the pictures and the things that we're in it he was pretty stoked to see what we had. I mean who doesn't want to be taught with pictures? When we talked about the Atonement of Christ you could see the look in his eyes that showed he was amazed. He never really thought about Jesus Christ really did until we explained. I used an example for Gio about when I cut my leg open on a scooter when I was 9 years old and how Jesus Christ knew how I felt in that moment,  and he looked at me like "what?? really???" hahaha yup! Because how can our savior help us if he doesn't know perfectly how we feel?... I went on exchanges with an Elder named Elder Arroyo on Wednesday. That day we found Miguel and Arturo and they both read the BOM like we asked them to! YES! Miguel's read twice now so that's pretty awesome. Unfortunately with Arturo he didn't pray though. So AGAIN we emphasized that the only way to know is by reading and PRAYING. He was just being stubborn and wouldn't do because he feels like a "giver" and doesn't ask God for things. We told him that God was the biggest giver of all and he loves us and wants to bless us. So he's commanded us to pray to him. We told him that maybe he could ask God to bless him with opportunities to give? We went on to invite him to read 2 Nephi 32:8-9 and to pray again. Except this time we got his number so we could follow up on him. Miguel has been doing really good. He asked us how the BOM is a companion to the bible. We talked him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how we are commanded to be baptized the same way he was. In Mathew 3 it talks about Jesus Christ was baptized to fulfill all righteousness. In 2 Ne. 31 it talks about what it means to fulfill all righteousness, which means to set the example for us. It's pretty cool how the BOM and bible are hand in hand! We invited him to be baptized but he said he wanted to know more before he got his answer. So we'll teach him this week a little more... Remember the two sisters Stephanie and Erica? The ones that always have questions? On Thursday after the zone meeting we went to go teach Erica instead we found Stephanie. Now Stephanie was a little more iffy than Erica but we somehow, as we were talking to her, got on the subject of our pre earth life. She thought we were crazy but just said "Yeah we lived with Heavenly Father before we came down here!" and she went and got her bible and we read Jeremiah 1:5. After that she unloaded these questions on us and wanted to know more. After we talked a little bit we invited her to read the intro to the BOM and to pray to know for herself if what we teach is true. She said that she was scared to know if it's true, because if it is she's scared that she's going to have to change. So we keep talking and this is how I know the BOM is true, because we used it to answer every question. At the end we invited her to pray but she was kind of timid, but kept telling her "You can do it!" (like that one guy always says in Adam Sandler's movies) she said no. And we were about ready to pull out the BOM! The weapon! She says "What are you going to read now?" and we just said "We got all kinds of stuff in here." She finally said "Ok I'll pray!" hahahaha... Friday wasn't much. We had a ward activity at Brother Huerta's house. Elder Hall and I gave a brief spiritual thought on how to be prepared for General Conference. My advice to you family is go to G.C. with a question that you've always had and expect it to be answered. Write it on a piece of paper and then jot down notes during their talks. After the sessions are over go over the notes and scripture reference and your mind will be opened! (D&C 42:61) I love G.C. during my mission. It's always one of the best times of the year.
     Well that's all that happened for the week but I got your videos on pics :) I love em!! Makes me miss everyone! I'll see if I can send some videos too when I get the chance. I'm glad to hear about Justin. I sure do love him, tell him to keep it up! Wish I could have been at the concert that sounds super tight. One day for sure we'll all go. I love hearing from friends back home! Send Cramer, all I care for, my love to them. I'm sure they know, but just let them know again. I'm sorry I don't get much to say about what goes on back home but I love hearing stories..
    Well my time is short as usual but I love you all, and it's so good to hear from you. I'll send pics today when I can. Love ya!

Elder Horrocks

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