Monday, September 29, 2014

Hola Mi Familia

We're having issues with Al getting our letters.  It's super frustrating!!  It actually breaks my heart to think that he opened his email to see absolutely nothing :(  Well I guess he got the pictures.  I hate it tho!!!  I know I've said this before but, it makes me feel like I've missed a phone call from him or something when he doesn't the letters.  Hopefully he'll get them this week!  I've resent them 3 times so I'm hoping they went through ;)

Yesterday was the supposed to be baptism day!  We've been praying all week that it will happen!  He also asked that we all pray for the missionary's specifically on Thursdays :)  Not that we won't be praying for them every day anyway, but he said that the prophet and the apostles all go to the temple every Thursday night to pray for that specific thing also :)  the idea is to flood heaven with prays for our missionaries!!  ;)  So on Thursday's try to set aside some time to pray for that.  It doesn't matter what time.  Just that it's Thursday!

He also went on exchanges with and elder from Blanding who knows my brother Charlie.  Small world!!!  Pretty cool ;)


Hola Mi Familia!!

This week was pretty good. There was so many good things that happened this week! The Lord does good things for us out here, even if things may seem like they are not progressing, they really are. I know I talk a lot about Axel and Abel being baptized and guess what, they were almost baptized! AHHH!! The day before it happened our branch president called me and told me that Abel went with one of his friends and with his mom on a little trip to Los Angeles. I guess it was something they just decided to plan a few days before. So the only thing we are doing now is changing the baptism date to next Sunday on the 28th. We're doing everything to make sure that they don't have plans next Sunday haha, of course they'll be baptized but good heck we can't afford to keep delaying it. We have the program and everything ready, the only thing that's different is the date. So pray that we'll baptize them!!

I had the chance to go on splits with Elder Moosman on Tuesday this week. We placed a couple Book of Mormons and we found an investigator named Julio that was a referral from the English elders. Elder Moosman doesn't speak Spanish, so I taught him. We talked about the plan of salvation, and to my surprise he's never really heard anything about the gospel, or even Jesus Christ or God for that matter. Which is weird because a lot of Hispanics have a catholic or christian background. But he's way cool and he has a big family. He told us to come back and talk more about God's plan for us, since we were only able to visit with him for a short time.  On Wednesday we found another new investigator named Geovani. He's 15 years old and kind of has a catholic background but had no idea where go after this life. So there we taught where we go :) and he was pretty psyched to hear about that. Thursday was highlight of the week. We had zone conference on that day and I learned that becoming a complete missionary doesn't come over night. Just like our Savior he wasn't perfect from the beginning but he became better and better each and every day. I think that is the sole purpose of what life's about, to become like Jesus Christ and follow his example. There's so many things I learn out here that apply and can help us forever in life! And even after we die we just keep going and going and going. Progression never stops, it kind of makes me think if Heavenly Father is still progressing. Even though he's this perfect being and has all wisdom, compassion, and love. So really there's no beginning and there's no end. President Clark mentioned something very important about missionary work at zone conference. Since the age change of Missionary work there's been a huge amount of missionaries to enter into the field, but what makes missionary work at it's best is the members. So now we call it "Member/Missionary Work". Something statistically stands out to me, 2 out of 3 investigators that are taught in members home are baptized. When it's just ourselves as missionaries teaching, 1 out of 48 investigators are baptized... So yeah!! Members are great! That's always a goal to have members with us at our lessons, so that our investigators have a friend when they go to church. President Clark has asked us to invite our families to pray every Thursday at whatever time to pray for missionary work to grow and to pray for our members that they might have opportunities to do missionary work. The significance of this is that our beloved prophet and the apostles go to the temple every Thursday night and pray specifically pray for us, the missionaries :) so we are doing the same every Thursday and it doesn't matter what time, just pray for missionary work and the opportunity to do it is all that it is! On Friday I went on exchanges with Elder Pugh. He's from Blanding Utah and says that he knows my Uncle Charlie. Maybe Charlie knows some Pugh's in Blanding?

On Saturday you'll never believe what happened, IT RAINED!! Hallelujah let it rain baby! It was maybe like 5-10 minutes and little drops, but it happened! It rained pretty good up in Yosemite Park but when it reached us it died down a little bit. I looked at my companion and everyone else and just said it's gonna rain!! I know it! They all looked at me like I was crazy and said to watch and that it would pass over and die. But nope! It was pretty exciting. On Sunday I gave a talk again in church. It's something that happens in the Spanish branch often. We give at least 1 talk a month because there's not a lot of people to choose from haha. That same day we found two new investigators their names are Carmen and Sofia. Carmen is Miguel's wife and we told her that she could be sealed to him forever. That caught her attention, so we taught her about the restoration and how God's authority in the church allows us to perform those covenants. We gave her a BOM and invited her to read and pray for herself to know if what teach is true. We did the same thing with Sofia and gave her a BOM too and invited her to do the same.

Thanks for the pictures they're awesome! How was the concert? Was it Volbeat? J.T. and Charleigh are getting big!! Well let me know how things are. I didn't receive a letter from you or dad or anyone yet, I only got the pictures from you. And I actually got done earlier so I was able to send a letter earlier than usual. But I love you all!! Let me know how things are back home

Elder Horrocks

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